Thika Law Courts Get High Court Judge

The Thika law courts finally received a new judge, providing more relief to litigants and other court users who used to appeal their cases at the Kiambu High Court. The Judge, Florence Muchemi, will be operating at the newly established high court in Thika, following calls to bring justice closer to the people. Addressing journalists after taking over the office, Muchemi said the 535 cases originating from Thika which were being referred to Kiambu will now be heard at the court. ‘We have started working and can assure the members of the public that we now have a functional high court,’ she said. The judge further acknowledged the success of the e-filing system, with 539 cases already filed electronically, expressing her anticipation for paperless judiciaries as the e-portal in Thika continues to prove effective. She touted the judiciary’s transition to virtual proceedings, making it convenient for the public to participate in mentions without the need for physical court appearances. ‘The judiciary has gone virtual to a big extent in that when we’re conducting mentions, we do it virtually, which is convenient for the public who don’t have to travel to sit in court for their cases to be heard,’ she added. The Lady Justice added that while mentions and applications were being heard online, open court cases requiring witness testimonies were still present. She, however, expressed the need for additional space to manage documents and files, requesting the judiciary’s support in this regard, as they aimed to serve the public effectively. Thika Court serves Gatundu, Thika, and Ruiru Sub-Counties.

Source: Kenya News Agency