Traders elated as Governments embarks on construction of a modern market at Gikoe

Hundreds of traders who operate at Gikoe town in Mathioya sub county, Murang’a are in high hopes as the national government embarks on the construction of a modern market.

The Sh54 million market is earmarked to accommodate 204 traders, a social hall and ICT hub among other amenities.

The clerk of works Johnna Mwita said the construction of the one storey modern market will be complete by mid-November this year.

‘Construction of this market commenced in May this year and is expected to be complete by November. Currently the building is at 43 percent complete.’ Said Mwita.

He continued ‘the ground floor will host 124 traders and will consist of dry rooms for those who deal with cereals and cold rooms for vegetables. Also, on the same floor there will be a playground for children and mothers’ room for lactation.’

Mwita added that the first floor will host 80 traders saying there will also be an ICT hub with a capacity of 20 people and a social hall that can accommodate 60 people. ‘There will also be an ea
tery on the same floor.’ He stated.

He said on a daily basis, the project has employed about 25 workers both skilled and unskilled saying the workers have been sourced locally.

Chairman of Gikoe market Naftali Kimani Toro lauded the government for sponsoring construction of the modern market.

For many years, Kimani revealed local traders have been subjected to myriads of challenges ranging from bad weather conditions to dirty working environments.

‘Traders have been working along roads exposing them to risk of being hit by motor vehicles. During rains, they are forced to use makeshift structures which could not adequately protect them from downpour.’ Explained Kimani.

He noted that once completed, the facility will boost economic activities of the trading centre located along busy Murang’a – Kiriaini road.

‘With the new market, we expect the economy of this town to grow. Scores of people will get jobs directly and indirectly. Apart from those selling their merchandise, people in the transport sector wil
l also benefit.’ Reminisces the chairman.

The ICT hub, Kimani added, will provide opportunities for youth from the area to train on digital skills and provide a platform for those engaged in online jobs.

One of the traders, Mercy Wanjiru said lack of modern markets have led them to incur losses especially during rain seasons.

‘Rains usually destroy our merchandise. Working on muddy grounds has also affected our businesses as customers’ shy away from buying vegetables among other produce which are dirty.’ Observed Wanjiru.

She lauded the government for the project asking those in charge of the facility to make sure traders who have been working in the town are given priority when allocating stalls of the new building.

‘Traders who operate in the current open-air market are well known. We don’t want to see people being brought from other areas to take up stalls leaving the right beneficiaries out.’ She remarked.

Source: Kenya News Agency