Two Electrocuted In Ndhiwa

Two women were electrocuted in a house in Sikwadhi Market, Ndhiwa Sub county while they were washing clothes.

Homa Bay County Police Commander Hassan Barua said the two died after they came into contact with live electric current.

He said the deceased were identified as Roseline Akinyi, aged 29 years and Judith Achieng Ochiel, aged, 28.

Both were living at the trading centre where they engaged in business.

Barua said that the two had rented a house whose owner allegedly did an illegal electricity connection.

Neighbours said the women were washing clothes when the incident occurred.

One of the cloth lines is said to have been in contact with a live electric wire.

The Police Boss said Akinyi was the first to be electrocuted while she was hanging wet clothes on a line which was in contact with electricity.

‘Achieng went to rescue Akinyi after she fell down but unfortunately she was also electrocuted,’ a resident said.

Barua said investigations into the incident had been launched and urged residents to e
nsure all connections were approved by Kenya Power company.

‘Let residents who wish to connect electricity to their houses to use the correct channel which involves application to Kenya Power. We don’t want people to lose their lives in that manner,’ Barua said.

Source: Kenya News Agency