VIÊT VÙ DAO national championship: Around thirty athletes competing

The first edition of the VIÊT VÙ DAO national championship was held on Saturday August 2, 2024 in Ouagadougou. Around thirty practitioners of this Vietnamese discipline were able to compete in different categories.

VIÊT VÙ DAO fighters from the Dragon Point, Celestial Tiger and Black Leopard clubs competed in talent.

In total, 31 athletes participated in this first edition of the VIÊT VÙ DAO national championship.

They first played elimination rounds in the junior, cadet, junior girls and boys categories.

The top 3 in each category received medals and trophies.

For Ismaïla Bouda, National Technical Director of the discipline, this championship is an opportunity for practitioners to be able to measure themselves.

‘The championship aims to allow any practitioner to measure the acquisition of the different techniques already learned at the club,’ he said.

According to the DTN of VIÊT VÙ DAO, this competition provided an overview of the real level of each practitioner.

Naaba Kongo from Wobregdo welcomed t
he practice of this Vietnamese sport in the neighborhood, because it allows children to occupy themselves in a useful way.

Benjamin Zongo, representative of the special delegation of district no. 9 of Ouagadougou, promised to work to make the land available for the practice of sport.

Mohamadou Dao, sponsor of the edition, expressed his satisfaction with the organization.

‘Given the situation we are going through, organizing such an activity is a matter of priesthood. We salute the spirit that animated the athletes and congratulate the organizers,’ he added.

Burkinabè practitioners of VIÊT VÙ DAO will soon participate in the World Cup which will be held in Morocco.

Source : Burkina Information Agency