Wasserfall case convicts sentenced to six, four years imprisonment

The two people convicted for obstructing the course of justice relating to the death of Shannon Wasserfall, Azaan Madisia and Steven Mulundu, were on Tuesday sentenced to six and four years imprisonment respectively in the Windhoek High Court.

Madisia and Mulundu were sentenced to six and four years respectively by High Court Judge Christie Liebenberg, who in May convicted the duo of obstructing the course of justice, while Madisia was convicted on two additional charges of fraud in May.

During the sentencing here on Tuesday, Judge Liebenberg said that the time the accused spent in pre-trail custody was considered when the sentencing was made.

“They deserve some recognition for the time they spent in custody during the trail,” said Liebenberg.

Shannon Wasserfall went missing in Walvis Bay in April of 2020 and her body was found buried in a shallow grave in October of 2020.

The judge added that the High Court has come to the conclusion that accused one (Madisia) can be found more accountable than accused number two (Mulundu) in the matter and that this weighted heavily on the sentencing.

Uncle of the late Wasserfall, Dennis Wasserfall said that the family is not happy with the sentencing and they will appeal the sentencing.

Liebenberg reiterated that the sentencing given on Tuesday was punishment for the crimes committed by the accused and not for the crimes society expects the accused to be punished for.

The State suggested a minimum of eight years imprisonment for the accused while the legal defence team suggested three to five years.

Madisia and Mulundu’s sentences were both effected immediately.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency