Woman attempts to kill baby by hanging at Hochfeld

A 22-year-old woman at Hochfeld in the Okahandja district was arrested for attempted murder on Saturday after she reportedly hanged her 11-month baby boy with the straps of a ‘baby carrier’ inside her house.

Namibian Police Force Community Affairs Commander for Otjozondjupa Region, Inspector Maureen Mbeha told Nampa on Sunday that the incident occurred at 09h00, at the Uitkomst Government Resettlement Farm.

“The suspect is charged for attempted murder read with the provision of the Domestic Violence Act no. 4 of 2004,” said Mbeha.

It is alleged that the suspect attempted to kill her son by hanging him from the roof of a shack after she locked herself with her baby inside it.

The elder brother of the baby boy outside the house heard and reportedly broke the door open to remove the baby from the roof where he found him hanging, said Mbeha.

The baby is receiving medical attention at a hospital in Okahandja and the suspect is expected to appear in the Okahandja Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

Police investigations continue.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency