Woman Rep Hits The Road Running

Tharaka Nithi county Woman Representative, Ms. Susan Ngugi has hit the road running, reviving stalled projects and ensuring programmes run accordingly.

The former Marimanti ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) has apparently come in handy to give life to the county that has experienced many stalled development projects. The moribund projects include construction of roads and irrigation dams despite much capital investment from the national government.

County residents therefore have all the reasons to appreciate the aggressive legislator who is going out of her way to ensure the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) funds are put into intended use. She is ensuring NGAAF money helps groups to foster self- empowering projects and as need arises, chipping in to help the needy students meet their school fees obligations. She has further established a Rescue Foundation from her own resources.

Recently, the Woman Rep released cheques to two self- help groups from the county and launched a NGAAF bursary kitty.

While launching the bursary kitty at Nguruki day secondary school accompanied by Tharaka Nithi County Commissioner Wesley Koech and County Director of Education Ms. Bridget Wambua, the Woman Rep said the kitty will support all needy students in the region and was meant to raise the education standards.

Later, a group from Kaanwa, Upendo self-help group received a Sh119,000 cheque to buy goats for member’s financial empowerment to improve their living standards.

Speaking to the press after issuing cheques to the self- help group Ms. Ngugi promised to serve all the wards across the county without discrimination. ‘ I will serve all the wards without leaving any group out. However I will ensure that the registered groups do not have ghost members by sending my team to verify,’ said the Woman Rep.

She emphasized that those who receive the NGAAF funds must utilize the money for the projects indicated in their proposals and in case of change there should be a formal meeting with minutes to that effect.

‘The government gives very little for the NGAAF fund and I cannot sit back and watch while the funds are misappropriated,’ the Woman Rep said.

In addition, the ambitious leader officially commissioned a vehicle for rescue services across the County in an initiative dubbed ‘Susan Mwindu rescue services,’ meant to help those stranded in sorry situations. The rescue services will benefit the sick, expectant mothers, GBV, FGM, and defilement victims among other needy cases.

‘I was elected to take care of the less fortunate in the County and I am determined to serve them to my level best,’ Susan said during one of the rescue events.

Early this week, she visited Mariuko Maingi Primary school in Kaanwa area and issued a 10,000-litre water tank to support water provision in the school.

She further promised to table a motion in the National Assembly seeking to have the Government issue school uniforms to public schools for free. ‘If the motion passes, no parent will buy uniforms for their children,’ Mr. Ngugi affirmed.

Source: Kenya News Agency