You have sickle cell babies when you choose your partner wrongly – Experts

Sensitization activities are going on across Cameroon in commemoration of the World Sickle Cell Day observed every June 19.

Screening exercises have been organized in several health facilities across the country, with medical personnel giving tips that people can follow to avoid having sickle cell babies.

Dr. Eposse Charlotte, a sickle cell expert at the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala, said they are targeting people from 15 years. “It’s at that time that you start talking to them, for them to understand. So that if you are AS, don’t go with somebody who is AS also. If you are AS, you should find somebody who is AA to reduce the risk of having a sickle cell baby.”

With the human genotypes AA, AS, AC, and SS, the pediatrician advised that options to consider before marriage are; AA – AA and AA – AS. She noted that combinations like AS – AS and SS – SS, should be avoided.

In Cameroon, about 20 to 25% of the population carries the sickle cell trait.

Patients are expected to consult a doctor at least once every three months, but due to pain, many visit a health expert more frequently.

Source: Cameroon News Agency