Hannah Stocking Entra para o Elenco da ‘SKILL HOUSE‘ de produção de Ryan Kavanaugh ao lado de Bryce Hall, 50 Cent, Neal McDonough, Paige VanZant e muito mais

O projeto marca a primeira edição da franquia de filmes de terror de classificação R

LOS ANGELES, July 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Proxima Media de Ryan Kavanaugh anunciou que a personalidade da Internet e atriz Hannah Stocking, se juntou ao elenco do próximo filme de terror, SKILL HOUSE. O filme é estrelado por um fenômeno de mídia social e estrela do TikTok, Bryce Hall e conta com a veterana do UFC, BKFC e estrela da AEW, Paige VanZant, e o ícone global de hip-hop global, 50 Cent, que também é produtor com a sua empresa G-Unit Film & Television, bem como Neal McDonough, que teve papéis importantes em Yellowstone, The Arrow, The Flash, Residential Evil, Van Helsing e muitos outros.

A primeira parte da série de filmes de terror de classificação R, SKILL HOUSE, é uma visão semelhante a uma serra que invade o fenômeno da fama e da cultura das redes sociais, a SKILL HOUSE oferece uma representação inflexível do “poder” e explora o novo fenômeno dos “influencers”, sua fama e o que eles estão dispostos a fazer para alcançá-la. O filme de Los Angeles, que está sendo filmado principalmente na original “Sway House”, olha para o mundo das redes sociais e ultrapassa os limites quando os “cliques” e o “poder” se tornam vida ou morte literalmente, com o artista de efeitos especiais vencedor do Emmy, Steve Johnson (GHOSTBUSTERS, BICENTENNIAL MAN, SPIDER-MAN 2) está preparando as entranhas mais realistas que os fãs de conteúdo sanguinolento já viram.

Hannah Stocking é uma criadora de muitos talentos, personalidade da internet, atriz e apresentadora cuja ascensão meteórica no entretenimento digital e eventual crossover para a mídia tradicional foi liderada por sua característica única de comédia, elevada muitas vezes com uma mistura de humor e conteúdo científico, e que agora tem mais de 50 milhões de seguidores em todas as suas plataformas. Stocking participou do filme nº 1 de Tyler Perry, BOO 2! O HALLOWEEN DE MADEA e SATANIC PANIC. Ela também estrelou em um episódio de Stories From Our Future, uma série de curtas produzidas em colaboração com Black Mirror da Netflix, participou de vídeos de música, incluindo Hard 2 Face Reality de Poo Bear com Justin Bieber e Electronica, e Find Me de Marshmello.

“Assim como este filme é o primeiro de um novo gênero de terror, personalidades das redes sociais como Bryce e Hannah são um novo gênero de celebridades. Estamos eliminando os limites da criação e de carreiras”, explicou o diretor Josh Stolberg. “Hannah tem um talento dinâmico que engloba tudo o que este projeto representa – fama da internet e evolução na indústria do entretenimento. Estamos contentes por ela se juntar ao nosso elenco.”

O projeto é financiado e controlado pela Proxima Media, de propriedade e operado pelo megaprodutor nomeado ao Emmy, Grammy, Oscar e Tony, Ryan Kavanaugh. O projeto é escrito e dirigido pela lenda do filme de terror Josh Stolberg, corroterista de filmes de terror como o ESPIRAL: O LEGADO DE JOGOS MORTAIS (estrelado por Chris Rock e Samuel L Jackson), JOGOS MORTAIS: JIGSAW, PIRANHA 3D, PACTO SECRETO, bem como o próximo filme de JOGOS MORTAIS (intitulado provisoriamente JOGOS MORTAIS X). Através da sua G-Unit Film & Television, Jackson também produzirá ao lado de Kavanaugh, Alex Baskin e Amy Kim e Jaime Burke, da Lifeboat Productions. Daniel Herther, que supervisiona a produção e o desenvolvimento criativo da Proxima Studios, será o produtor executivo, juntamente com Jason Barhydt e Bobby Sarnevesht.

No elenco também estão incluídos: Leah Pipes (PACTO SECRETO, Os Originais), McCarrie McCausland (Army Wives, Os Originais), Ivan Leung (THE TENDER BAR, All American, Grey’s Anatomy), John DeLuca (Spree, American Horror Story), e Caitlin Carmichael (MEIA-NOITE NO SWITCHGRASS, EPIPHANY).

Para mais informações e todas as novidades sobre a SKILL HOUSE, siga-nos no Instagram (@skillhousemovie), Twitter (@skillhousemovie), e TikTok (@skillhousemovie).

Sobre Hannah Stocking
Hannah Stocking é uma criadora, atriz e apresentadora de muitos talentos, cuja ascensão meteórica no entretenimento digital e eventual cruzamento com a mídia tradicional foi liderada por sua característica única de comédia, muitas vezes elevada por uma mistura de humor e conteúdo científico. Uma gigante das redes sociais com mais de 50 milhões de seguidores em todas as suas plataformas, incluindo 7,8 milhões de assinantes no YouTube. Seu canal no YouTube, que alcançou um milhão de assinantes em menos de cinco meses, acumulou 2,1 bilhões de visualizações ao longo da vida com diversos conteúdos. Ela também alcançou mais de 26 milhões de seguidores no TikTok e 22 milhões de seguidores no Instagram.

Stocking regularmente usa sua formação com especialização dupla em química e biologia para inserir um elemento extra ao seu conteúdo. Stocking empregou esse seu estilo exclusivo para desenvolver várias séries originais com base na ciência. Ela passou a fazer parte da ATTN para criar uma série de vídeos informativos com conceitos cotidianos, como dieta intensiva e o cérebro adolescente, facilmente acessíveis e divertidos.

Seu talento e carisma brilham tanto na mídia tradicional quanto online. Ela se entrou para o E! News como correspondente convidada para a cobertura dos prêmios Grammy 2017. Ela estreou na telona no filme nº 1 de Tyler Perry, BOO 2! O HALLOWEEN DE MADEA e, em seguida, conseguiu um papel no SATANIC PANIC dirigido por Chelsea Stardust em 2019Ela também estrelou um episódio de Stories From Our Future, uma série de curtas produzidas em colaboração com Black Mirror da Netflix.

Sua carreira ganhou destaque na PAPER Magazine, GQ Thailand, Modeliste Magazine e outras publicações, por sua capacidade de se expressar através da beleza e da moda como criadora e artista digital. Ela recebeu o Prêmio Pioneer do Dia do Empreendedorismo Feminino, a primeira criadora digital a receber este prêmio.

Stocking tem como gerentes John Shahidi e Sam Shahidi da Shots Studios.

Sobre Josh Stolberg
Josh Stolberg é escritor, diretor e produtor responsável por alguns dos filmes de terror mais populares da atualidade, incluindo JOGOS MORTAIS: JIGSAW, PIRANHA 3D, PACTO SECRETO e, mais recentemente, ESPIRAL. Ele escreveu filmes para a Netflix, Disney, Lionsgate e muitos outros. Atualmente, ele está escrevendo um filme de ação para Dwayne Johnson para aa Netflix, bem como a próxima parcela da popular franquia Jogos Mortais.

Sobre a Lifeboat Productions
Amy Kim e Jaime Burke são produtores premiados com mais de 20 anos de experiência diversificada. Eles produziram conteúdo original para todos os principais streamers e estúdios com seus créditos mais recentes, incluindo a próxima série Surfside Girls para a Apple+ e Undone para a Amazon. Kim começou a produzir com o Curta Metragem WEST SIDE STORY, vencedor do Oscar, e atuou como diretora de produção do estúdio digital de Michael Eisner, Vuguru, antes de criar a Lifeboat Productions com Jaime Burke em 2012. Burke começou sua carreira de produtora de filmes com títulos como THE POSSESSION DE MICHAEL KING e o clássico de terror indie, THE PACT. Esta é a sua segunda colaboração com o escritor/diretor Josh Stolberg.

Sobre a Proxima Media e Ryan Kavanaugh
Fundador da Proxima Media e acionista majoritário da Triller, Ryan Kavanaugh é um dos executivos mais bem-sucedidos, prolíficos e honrados da história da indústria do entretenimento. Usando um modelo inteligente de financiamento cinematográfico, ele foi apelidado de criador do “Bola de dinheiro dos filmes”. Ele produziu, distribuiu e/ou estruturou financiamentos para mais de 200 filmes, gerando mais de US $ 20 bilhões em receitas de bilheteria e tem 60 indicações ao Oscar. Ele é o 25º produtor cinematográfico de maior bilheteria de todos os tempos. Ele produziu Velozes e Furiosos 2-6, 300, A Rede Social, Sem Limites, Fighter, Ricky Bobby; A Toda Velocidade, Quase Irmãos, e Mamma Mia! Kavanaugh e Proxima Studios foram pioneiros em uma transação financeira inovadora para a Marvel pós-falência, criando o estúdio e a estrutura financeira que levaram a Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ele criou a categoria SVOD (streaming) com a Netflix, que aumentou a capitalização de mercado da empresa de US $ 2 para US $ 10 bilhões. Kavanaugh é o cofundador da Triller, um dos três aplicativos de rede social de crescimento mais rápido. Recentemente ele liderou a aquisição, fusão e relançamento do aplicativo de redes sociais e música.

Ele também criou a poderosa empresa de televisão, agora conhecida como Critical Content, produzindo programas de sucesso como Catfish na MTV e Limitless na CBS, que ele vendeu por US $ 200 milhões. A empresa tinha 40 séries de televisão em 19 redes antes de ser vendida. Kavanaugh teve várias conquistas e ganhou muitos prêmios: Prêmio de Produtor do Ano da Variety, Prêmio de Liderança do The Hollywood Reporter, Pessoas Mais Influentes com Menos de 40 Anos no Mundo dos Negócios da Fortune, Fortune 400 da Forbes, Produtor de Bilhão de Dólares da Daily Variety, e 100 Pessoas Mais Influentes do Mundo da Vanity Fair. Proxima Media e Kavanaugh são representados por Neil Sacker da Sacker.

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/24aae164-2a42-42ff-84d5-912661b2aedd

Contato com a Mídia
Jive PR + Digital
Lynsey Gray

Hannah Stocking rejoint le casting de la production de Ryan Kavanaugh, « SKILL HOUSE » aux côtés de Bryce Hall, 50 Cent, Neal McDonough, Paige VanZant, et bien d’autres têtes d’affiche encore

Le projet constitue le premier volet de la franchise de films d’horreur interdits aux mineurs non accompagnés de moins de 17 ans (classé R aux États-Unis)

LOS ANGELES, 16 juill. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proxima Media, l’entreprise fondée par Ryan Kavanaugh, a annoncé que l’actrice et star des réseaux sociaux Hannah Stocking avait rejoint le casting du prochain film d’horreur, SKILL HOUSE. Le film met en vedette le phénomène des réseaux sociaux et star de TikTok, Bryce Hall, aux côtés de Paige VanZant, ancienne athlète phare de l’UFC, star du BKFC et de l’AEW, et l’icône mondiale du hip-hop, 50 Cent, qui intervient également en qualité de producteur à travers sa société de production G-Unit Film & Television, ainsi que Neal McDonough, qui a récemment joué des rôles majeurs dans Yellowstone, Arrow, Flash, Resident Evil, Van Helsing, et bien d’autres.

Premier volet de la franchise de films d’horreur classés R, SKILL HOUSE est une succession de prises incisives qui s’attaque au phénomène de la culture des réseaux sociaux et de la célébrité sur ces derniers. SKILL HOUSE offre une description sans complaisance de l’« influence » et explore le nouveau phénomène des « influenceurs », leur célébrité et ce qu’ils sont prêts à faire pour l’atteindre. Le film, dont l’intrigue se déroule à Los Angeles et tourné principalement dans la maison originale « Sway House », s’intéresse à l’univers des réseaux sociaux et repousse les limites lorsque les taux de « clic » et le classement « Klout » (mesure du niveau d’« influence ») deviennent littéralement une question de vie ou de mort. Steve Johnson, artiste connu pour ses effets spéciaux et récompensé à ce titre par un Emmy Award (GHOSTBUSTERS, L’HOMME BICENTENAIRE, SPIDER-MAN 2), dévoile certains des boyaux et entrailles les plus réalistes que les fans aient jamais vus.

Hannah Stocking est une créatrice aux multiples talents, une personnalité d’Internet, une actrice et une animatrice dont l’ascension fulgurante dans le domaine du divertissement numérique, puis dans les médias traditionnels, tient à son style de jeu de comédie unique, souvent agrémenté d’un mélange d’humour et de contenu scientifique. Elle compte aujourd’hui plus de 50 millions d’abonnés sur l’ensemble de ses plateformes. Hannah a notamment participé à la production du film de Tyler Perry, BOO 2! A MADEA HALLOWEEN, qui s’est classé en tête du box-office américain, et SATANIC PANIC. Elle a également joué dans un épisode de Stories From Our Future, une série de courts métrages produits en collaboration avec la série Black Mirror de Netflix, et est même apparue dans des vidéoclips, notamment Hard 2 Face Reality de Poo Bear ft. Justin Bieber, et Electronica ainsi que Find Me de Marshmello.

« Tout comme ce film est le premier d’un nouveau genre d’horreur, les personnalités des médias sociaux comme Bryce et Hannah sont un nouveau genre de célébrité. Nous brisons ici les frontières de la créativité et de la carrière », explique le réalisateur Josh Stolberg. « Hannah a un talent qui sait s’adapter à tout et incarne tout ce dont il est question dans ce projet : la célébrité sur Internet et l’évolution de l’industrie du divertissement. Nous sommes ravis qu’elle rejoigne notre équipe. »

Le projet est financé et géré par Proxima Media, détenu et exploité par Ryan Kavanaugh, mégaproducteur nominé aux Emmy, Grammy, Oscar et Tony. Il est écrit et réalisé par la légende du film d’horreur Josh Stolberg, co-scénariste de films d’horreur tels que SPIRALE : L’HÉRITAGE DE SAW (avec Chris Rock et Samuel L. Jackson), JIGSAW, PIRANHA 3D, SŒURS DE SANG, ainsi que le prochain film SAW (provisoirement intitulé SAW X). À travers sa société G-Unit Film & Television, Jackson produira également, aux côtés de Ryan Kavanaugh, Alex Baskin et Amy Kim ainsi que Jaime Burke de Lifeboat Productions. Daniel Herther, qui supervise la production et le développement créatif chez Proxima, sera producteur exécutif aux côtés de Jason Barhydt et Bobby Sarnevesht.

Parmi les autres acteurs à l’affiche, citons Leah Pipes (SŒURS DE SANG, The Originals), McCarrie McCausland (American Wives, The Originals), Ivan Leung (THE TENDER BAR, All American, Grey’s Anatomy), John DeLuca (Spree, American Horror Story) et Caitlin Carmichael (LA PROIE, EPIPHANY).

Pour plus d’informations et pour connaître l’actualité de SKILL HOUSE, suivez-nous sur Instagram (@skillhousemovie), Twitter (@skillhousemovie) et TikTok (@skillhousemovie).

À propos d’Hannah Stocking
Hannah Stocking est une créatrice, actrice et animatrice aux multiples talents, dont l’ascension fulgurante dans le domaine du divertissement numérique, puis dans les médias traditionnels, est le fruit de son style de jeu de comédie unique, souvent agrémenté d’un mélange d’humour et de contenu scientifique. Véritable égérie des médias sociaux, elle compte plus de 50 millions d’abonnés à son actif sur l’ensemble de ses plateformes, dont 7,8 millions d’abonnés sur YouTube. Sa chaîne YouTube, qui a atteint un million d’abonnés en moins de cinq mois, a accumulé 2,1 milliards de vues depuis le lancement de sa chaîne grâce à un contenu varié. Elle a également accumulé plus de 26 millions d’abonnés sur TikTok et 22 millions d’abonnés sur Instagram.

Hannah capitalise régulièrement sur son expérience de double diplômée en chimie et en biologie pour glisser une touche supplémentaire dans son contenu. Elle a utilisé ce style unique qui fait sa marque de fabrique pour développer plusieurs séries scientifiques originales. Elle a notamment fait équipe avec ATTN : pour créer une série de vidéos informatives qui présentent des concepts de la vie de tous les jours, tels que les régimes draconiens et le cerveau des adolescents, d’une manière facilement accessible et divertissante.

Son talent et son charisme font mouche dans les médias traditionnels, tout autant qu’en ligne. Elle a rejoint E! News en tant que correspondante invitée pour leur couverture des Grammy Awards 2017. Elle a fait ses débuts sur grand écran dans le film classé no 1 au box-office de Tyler Perry, BOO 2! A MADEA HALLOWEEN et a enchaîné en décrochant un rôle dans SATANIC PANIC, réalisé par Chelsea Stardust en 2019Elle a également joué dans un épisode de Stories From Our Future, une série de courts métrages produits en collaboration avec la série Black Mirror de Netflix.

Sa carrière lui a valu des articles remarquables dans PAPER Magazine, GQ Thailand, Modeliste Magazine et d’autres publications pour sa capacité à s’exprimer à travers la beauté et la mode en tant que créatrice et animatrice numérique. Elle a été récompensée par le prix Pioneer de la Journée de l’entrepreneuriat féminin, et elle est la première créatrice numérique à recevoir cette distinction.

John Shahidi et Sam Shahidi de Shots Studios sont ses agents.

À propos de Josh Stolberg
Josh Stolberg est un scénariste, réalisateur et producteur à qui l’on peut attribuer certains des films d’horreur les plus populaires aujourd’hui, notamment JIGSAW, PIRANHA 3D, SŒURS DE SANG et, plus récemment, SPIRALE. Il a écrit des films pour Netflix, Disney, Lionsgate, etc. Il écrit actuellement un film d’action sur Dwayne Johnson pour Netflix ainsi que le prochain épisode de la célèbre franchise Saw.

À propos de Lifeboat Productions
Amy Kim et Jaime Burke sont des productrices primées recensant plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans divers domaines. Elles ont produit du contenu original pour toutes les principales plateformes de streaming et studios. Leurs apparitions les plus récentes comprennent la série à venir Surfside Girls pour Apple+ et Undone d’Amazon. Kim a fait ses débuts dans la production avec le court métrage primé aux oscars, WEST BANK STORY, et a été Responsable de la production pour le studio numérique Vuguru de Michael Eisner, avant de lancer Lifeboat Productions avec Jaime Burke en 2012. Jaime a commencé sa carrière de productrice de films avec des titres tels que THE POSSESSION OF MICHAEL KING et le classique de l’horreur indépendant, THE PACT. Il s’agit là de leur deuxième collaboration avec l’écrivain/réalisateur Josh Stolberg.

À propos de Proxima et de Ryan Kavanaugh
Fondateur de Proxima Media, l’actionnaire majoritaire de Triller, Ryan Kavanaugh est l’un des dirigeants les plus accomplis, prolifiques et honorés de l’histoire de l’industrie du divertissement. En s’appuyant sur un modèle intelligent de financement de films, il a été surnommé le créateur de « Moneyball pour les films » (terme emprunté à une stratégie de baseball). Il a produit, distribué et/ou structuré le financement de plus de 200 films, générant plus de 20 milliards de dollars de recettes au box-office mondial et remportant 60 nominations aux Oscars. Il est le 25e producteur de films le plus riche de tous les temps. Il a notamment produit Fast and Furious 2-6, 300, The Social Network, Limitless, Fighter, Ricky Bobby : Roi du circuit, Frangins malgré eux et Mamma Mia! Ryan et Proxima ont été à l’origine d’un accord de financement innovant pour Marvel après sa faillite, en créant le studio et la structure de financement qui ont conduit à la création du Marvel Cinematic Universe. Il a créé la catégorie SVOD (streaming) avec Netflix, ce qui a fait passer la capitalisation boursière de cette dernière de 2 à 10 milliards de dollars. Ryan Kavanaugh est le cofondateur de Triller, l’une des trois applications de médias sociaux à la croissance la plus rapide. Il a récemment chapeauté l’acquisition, la fusion et le relancement de l’application de médias sociaux et de musique.

Il a également créé la puissante société de télévision, aujourd’hui connue sous le nom de Critical Content, qui produit des émissions à succès comme Catfish sur MTV et Limitless sur CBS, qu’il a ensuite revendue pour 200 millions de dollars. La société comptait 40 séries télévisées réparties sur 19 réseaux avant sa vente. Ryan a remporté de nombreux succès et récompenses, du prix du producteur de variétés de l’année, Variety’s Producer of the Year Award, au prix du leadership du Hollywood Reporter, Hollywood Reporter’s Leadership Award, en passant par les 40 personnes de moins de 40 ans les plus influentes du monde des affaires de Fortune, le classement Fortune 400 de Forbes, le producteur de milliards de dollars du Daily Variety et les 100 personnes les plus influentes du monde de Vanity Fair. Proxima et Ryan Kavanaugh sont représentés par Neil Sacker.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/24aae164-2a42-42ff-84d5-912661b2aedd

Contacts médias
Jive PR + Digital
Lynsey Gray

Biden Ends Tour to Reassert US Influence in Middle East

JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA — U.S. President Joe Biden is heading back to Washington Saturday after meeting Arab leaders in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he laid out his vision for U.S. engagement in the Middle East to counter Iran and reasserted influence in the strategic competition with China and Russia.

“The United States is invested in building a positive future in the region, a partnership with all of you,” Biden said in remarks at the GCC+3 Summit, a gathering of leaders from the Gulf Cooperation Council – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates – plus Egypt, Iraq and Jordan.

“We will not walk away and leave a vacuum to be filled by China, Russia or Iran,” he said. “We will seek to build on this moment with active, principled American leadership.”

Biden laid out key principles of American engagement in the region, including strengthening partnerships and supporting defense capabilities of countries that “subscribe to the rules-based international order,” and deterring foreign and regional powers that seek to dominate through military action and jeopardize freedom of navigation.

He named Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region, Russia’s war in Ukraine, and China’s actions in the Indo-Pacific as examples of efforts to undermine the rules-based order.

Biden said Washington will also work to reduce tensions and end conflicts “wherever possible,” and support human rights and values outlined in the U.N. Charter.

“Supporting the rules-based order doesn’t mean we always have to agree on every issue,” Biden said. “But it does mean, we align around the core principles to allow us to work together on most pressing global challenges.”

Highlighting those global challenges, he announced $1 billion in food security assistance for the Middle East and North Africa. He welcomed the $3 billion pledge from Arab leaders for the global infrastructure and investment initiative that Washington is launching to counter China’s Belt and Road program.

Summit leaders also announced a deal to connect Iraq’s electric grid to the GCC’s grids through Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, thus reducing Baghdad’s dependence on Iran. They did not discuss increasing oil production to offset rising prices triggered by Russia’s war on Ukraine.

“It wasn’t really a subject for the summit,” said Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud to reporters. OPEC+ will do “what they believe is necessary to maintain balance in the markets,” he said.

The statement confirmed what U.S. officials have said – that no oil output announcements are expected until next month’s meetings of the 13 members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries plus 10 other oil producers, including Russia.


The administration warned of growing ties between Russia and Tehran, with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan saying the U.S. has intelligence indicating the Iranian government is preparing to provide Russia with several hundred drones, or UAVs, including weapons-capable UAVs.

The White House released three photos of the Shahed-191 and Shahed-129 unmanned aerial vehicles capable of carrying precision-guided missiles.

“Russia is effectively making a bet on Iran,” said a senior official in a briefing to reporters Saturday. “We are making a bet on a more integrated, more stable, more peaceful, prosperous Middle East region.”

The war in Ukraine has led to a rapprochement between Russia, China, and Iran, said Bernard Haykel, director of Princeton University’s Institute for Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East.

“There’s a kind of an axis of countries that are coming closer,” he told VOA. “Drones is only one aspect of this closeness.”

The Saudis say they reject a zero-sum approach.

“The region has matured and that means we have developed strategic relationships with a number of partners,” said Faisal bin Farhan. He said while the summit clearly demonstrates that Washington remains the region’s main strategic partner, that doesn’t mean that countries cannot also “have strong partnerships and relations” with others.

Human rights

In his remarks, Biden said foundational freedoms are key to “who we are as Americans.”

He told the roomful of Arab men that the future belongs to countries where “women can exercise equal rights and contribute to building stronger economies, resilient societies, and more modern and capable militaries.”

Biden did not speak of the global struggle between autocracies and democracies – a theme many observers see as his foreign policy doctrine. But in a mild rebuke, he said the future belongs to countries “where citizens can question and criticize their leaders without fear of reprisal.”

That statement may not temper sharp criticism over Biden’s meeting and fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who, according to U.S. intelligence, was behind the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist, U.S. resident and a critic of the kingdom.

Biden said he raised Khashoggi’s murder at the top of his Friday meeting with the crown prince, often referred by his acronym MBS. Biden said MBS told him that he was not personally responsible for the murder.

CNN reported quoting an unnamed source that when confronted about Khashoggi, MBS reminded Biden of the abuse of prisoners by American forces at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison in 2004.

Some observers say Biden has no choice but engage with the Saudis, not just for energy and regional security, but also in its strategic competition with China and Russia.

The U.S.–Saudi reset will “reaffirm U.S. security assurances in exchange for expectations that the Kingdom will align itself with core U.S. interests when they are threatened by its global rivals,” said Dan Shapiro, former ambassador to Israel, now with the Atlantic Council. “Today, Ukraine; tomorrow, perhaps, Taiwan.”

Pivot back to the Middle East?

Earlier in his Middle East trip that began in Israel, Biden said Washington’s strategic pivot away from the Middle East had been a mistake.

His tour is designed to reassure Arab countries of American staying power as they seek greater security protection from Washington to manage Iran’s destabilizing activities. That includes in Yemen, where a proxy-war between Riyadh and Tehran that began in 2014 is held by a fragile truce.

“We further agreed to pursue a diplomatic process to achieve a wider settlement in Yemen,” Biden said in remarks following his meeting with MBS and his father, Saudi King Salman. “In this context, we discussed Saudi Arabia’s security needs to defend the Kingdom, given very real threats from Iran and Iran’s proxies.”

Administration officials declined to elaborate about which security assurances were agreed upon by Washington and Riyadh.

The Saudis are seeking a durable security partnership from Washington that will not be subject to partisan domestic swings,” said Sanam Vakil, deputy director at Chatham House’s Middle East North Africa Program, to VOA. “Only over time and with concessions regarding Saudi’s relationship with China can they secure the security guarantee they are looking for.”

Under the Trump administration, Washington significantly reduced the number of troops deployed in the region. Last year, the Biden administration reduced the number of U.S. antimissile systems in the Middle East as it focuses on challenges from China and Russia.

Integrated missile defense network

In remarks to Arab leaders, Biden did not mention Israel’s security or regional integration – themes his aides have said are the focus of the trip.

Officials have touted Biden’s tour as an opportunity to gain momentum toward creating a network of air and missile defense capabilities powered by American and Israeli technology to combat drone and missile attacks from Iran and its proxies.

“In our bilateral discussions with several nations, we believe, they believe, that there is a great advantage to try and see if we can’t network some of those capabilities together,” a senior administration official said in a briefing with reporters Saturday.

A significant step toward this decades-long goal happened last year, when the Pentagon transferred Israel from the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) to the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) that coordinates military operations and relations with partners in the Middle East. The realignment was aimed at strengthening deterrence against Iran as Arab countries normalized relations with Jerusalem under the Trump-era Abraham Accords.

Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and parts of Iraq have come under drone or missile strikes claimed by or blamed on Iranian-backed militias. Other regional countries also rely on drones in conflict zones, including the Turks in the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and Israelis against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The concept of regional missile defense coordination through CENTCOM is “supported in theory,” Vakil said, but in practice developing technology to align these systems will take time, trust and commitment.

The Saudi foreign minister said summit leaders did not discuss a GCC-Israeli defense alliance, and he noted that diplomacy is the best solution to Iran’s nuclear program.

“In the end, it’s up to Iran to decide if it wants the path of diplomacy or not,” he said. “We hope they do.”

Source: Voice of America

Mo Farah’s Story Draws Horror, Understanding in Somalia

Many Somalis are reacting with horror — and a sense of understanding — at British runner Mo Farah’s tale of being trafficked to Britain as a child and forced to look after other children.

Olympic champion Farah was born in present-day Somaliland, a territory by the Gulf of Aden that has asserted independence from the Horn of Africa nation of Somalia. In a BBC documentary aired earlier this week Farah revealed how as a boy of 8 or 9 he was separated from his family and trafficked from neighboring Djibouti to the U.K. under a new name under which he eventually ran for glory.

Here, in the Somali capital Mogadishu, those who have heard of Farah’s account express sadness for what he went through as a child forced to work in servitude. But they also point out that he was not alone in facing exploitation.

Conflict, climate change and economic collapse are displacing record numbers of people around the world, pushing more and more migrants into the hands of criminals who profit by smuggling them into Britain, the European Union and the U.S.

Somalis, like their neighbors in Ethiopia and Eritrea, are often among the desperate — people fleeing conflict and hunger in hopes of safety and a better life. Convinced they have little to lose, the young risk their lives on flimsy boats organized by human traffickers who get them across the English Channel to Britain.

Those who can afford it pay thousands of dollars to reach countries where they hope to find jobs and security. Others fall prey to criminals who force them into sex work, drug crimes and domestic servitude.

Wealthier countries lack robust policies to respond to this complicated situation. Britain has welcomed refugees from Ukraine, for example, while proposing to deport asylum seekers from other places to Rwanda. While Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the Rwanda plan will break the business model of criminals who smuggle people across the Channel in inflatable boats, immigrant activists are suing over a plan they describe as illegal and inhumane.

Farah, who represented Britain at three Summer Olympics in 2008, 2012 and 2016, is a rare success story. Many others trying to escape poverty, hunger and violence in countries such as Somalia don’t get so lucky — the reason many activists here say efforts must be put into supporting local governments to eradicate the many reasons people wish to go.

“It is certainly sad that Mo Farah had such a bad experience as a boy,” said Ahmed Dini, who runs the Mogadishu-based children’s rights group Peace-Line. “It has become evident that there are many contributing factors to child trafficking, such as poverty, a lack of adequate education, and insufficient security.”

Farah still has family members — including his mother and two brothers — living on a farm near Hargeisa, the Somaliland capital. He said in the BBC film that his father was killed during unrest when the boy was 4.

In the documentary, produced by the BBC and Red Bull Studios, Farah said that when he left Africa, he thought he was going to Europe to live with relatives and had a piece of paper with the contact details. But the woman he ended up with tore his papers and took him to an apartment in west London where he was forced to care for her children.

Farah said his fortunes in Britain changed when he was finally allowed to attend school. A teacher who was interviewed for the documentary recalled a 12-year-old boy who appeared “unkempt and uncared for,” was “emotionally and culturally alienated” and spoke little English.

Farah eventually told his story to a physical education instructor. The teacher contacted local officials, who arranged for a Somali family to take him in as a foster child. He soon blossomed on the track.

Anti-slavery advocates say Farah is the most prominent person to come forward as a victim of modern-day slavery, a crime that is often hidden because it occurs behind closed doors and inflicts such trauma on its victims.

Now that a man of such celebrity has spoken of his experience, there can no longer be any doubt about the horror of child servitude even among ordinary Somalis who otherwise would find his account “unusual,” said Bashir Abdi, an academic based in Mogadishu.

“Children consistently face abuses, but the story this renowned athlete revealed has captured the attention of many people, including Somalis,” he said. “We often hear of child exploitations, and I believe that significant (numbers of) Somali children go through domestic violence and abuses, but little is exposed to the public.”

Amina Ali, a stay-home mother of four in Mogadishu, told The Associated Press that it was tough for her to hear the story of a 9-year-old boy “so weak and helpless forced to clean house and change the diapers of other kids.”

“As a mother, I felt sadness for him once I have listened,” she said. “Praise be to Allah that he is no longer under those circumstances. However, he is now at some point where he can reveal his story and I wish those (who) committed that abuse to be brought before justice one day.”

Source: Voice of America