Why SNOMED CT? New platform presents a refreshed case for investing in the comprehensive clinical terminology

SNOMED International released today its refreshed SNOMED CT Case for Investment report.

London, United Kingdom, Dec. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SNOMED International released today its refreshed SNOMED CT Case for Investment report. Available on a new interactive platform, the Case for Investment presents evidence that SNOMED CT adds measurable value to a broad range of primary and secondary health processes leveraging SNOMED CT encoded data to enable improved patient outcomes. Through the narrative, the report provides accessible and understandable answers to questions such as, “what is SNOMED CT?”, ‘what makes SNOMED CT unique?’, “how and where is it in use globally?” and “why invest in SNOMED CT?”

SNOMED CT, the most comprehensive and multilingual clinical healthcare terminology in the world, possesses unique characteristics that differentiate it from other classifications and terminologies. Among these characteristics are SNOMED CT’s position as a core reference terminology, its clinically comprehensive 350,000+ concepts supported by a machine-readable semantic network, broad use and mandate in select countries.

Showcasing real world use and outcomes of SNOMED CT is the best way to demonstrate its value, understanding that SNOMED CT must be embedded in a clinical information system, health data & analytics platform or an interoperability solution for it to function. Through the Case for Investment, 10 examples of SNOMED CT use across data entry and integration, clinical information sharing, point of care analytics, population and management analytics and research domains have been featured. Ranging across different countries such as Australia, Canada, China, United Kingdom, United States, continued collection of additional SNOMED CT case studies remains an ongoing priority.

SNOMED International CEO, Don Sweete, commented on the development and outcomes of the Case for Investment. “There has been a tremendous evolution in SNOMED CT over the past 10 years and this report demonstrates the value that it offers healthcare systems and stakeholders worldwide” said Sweete. “With a complement of 41 Members that represent health systems globally, continuously refreshed knowledge and analysis on the nature, utility and value of standards like SNOMED CT can’t be overstated. Health system decision-makers need to be equipped with clear knowledge of how their investments in SNOMED CT translate into positive outcomes for the health of their nation’s citizens.”

In terms of conclusions, the report presents SNOMED CT as a scalable and “fit for purpose” clinical terminology, adhering to international criteria, data quality and suitability requirements. A part of the bigger picture, SNOMED CT is one of many contributing factors to improving patient outcomes, and studies show that the use of SNOMED CT-embedded systems can provide significant qualitative and quantitative patient outcome benefits.

Looking forward, SNOMED CT must also contemplate how it enables the future needs of medicine and research. A healthcare industry that is ever evolving, the future opportunities for SNOMED CT will be driven by new healthcare data sources and new healthcare technologies such as national cohorts, big data and AI, clinical genomics, phenomics and environment, etc.

Experience the breadth of the SNOMED CT Case for Investment through the organization’s interactive value platform at value.snomed.org.


Kelly Kuru
SNOMED International

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group devient membre ambassadeur de California Fuel Cell Partnership

TEMECULA, Californie, 15 déc. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Groupe), une filiale de Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japon), est fier d’annoncer qu’il a rejoint le California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) en tant qu’ambassadeur.

Cette association travaille à établir 200 stations de ravitaillement en hydrogène d’ici 2025 en vue d’un avenir durable pour les voitures, les camions et les bus à zéro émission. Rejoindre le CaFCP s’inscrit dans l’engagement du Groupe à mener le changement vers un monde plus sain. En outre, le Groupe étend ses activités mondiales et ouvre une nouvelle installation d’ingénierie et de service à Houston et en Corée cette année, ainsi qu’un nouveau centre en Allemagne en 2022.

« Nous sommes ravis de faire partie du CaFCP pour fournir des alternatives énergétiques propres et nous sommes impatients de collaborer avec d’autres membres du CaFCP sur le marché du carburant hydrogène pour les piles à combustible », a déclaré Peter Wagner, PDG de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group.

Plusieurs nouveaux produits à base d’hydrogène sont en cours de développement, tels que les premières pompes mobiles à ravitaillement en hydrogène, les pompes à hydrogène alternatives haute capacité/haute pression et les stations de ravitaillement en hydrogène liquide conteneurisé. Ceci s’ajoute à leur capacité à fournir des projets d’ingénierie, des projets d’approvisionnement et des projets complets clés en main.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (aujourd’hui membre de Nikkiso Co., Ltd) et ses entreprises membres fabriquent des équipements et de petites usines de traitement du gaz cryogénique pour les secteurs du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), des services d’entretien de puits et du gaz industriel. Fondée il y a plus de 50 ans, Cryogenic Industries est la société-mère d’ACD, de Cosmodyne et de Cryoquip, ainsi qu’un groupe administré en commun comptant une vingtaine d’entités opérationnelles.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter les sites www.nikkisoCEIG.com et www.nikkiso.com.

Contact auprès des médias :
Anna Quigley

Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group da Nikkiso torna-se membro embaixador da California Fuel Cell Partnership

TEMECULA, Califórnia, Dec. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Grupo), subsidiária da Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japão), tem o orgulho de anunciar a sua entrada para a California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) como embaixador.

A associação está no processo de estabelecer 200 estações de abastecimento de hidrogênio até 2025 para um futuro sustentável para carros, caminhões e ônibus de emissão zero. A adesão à CaFCP faz parte do compromisso do Grupo de liderar a mudança para um mundo mais saudável. Além disso, o Grupo está expandindo suas operações em todo o mundo, com a inauguração novas instalações de engenharia e serviço em Houston e na Coréia este ano e um novo centro na Alemanha em 2022.

“Estamos contentes em fazer parte da CaFCP para fornecimento de alternativas de energia limpa e estamos prontos para colaborar com outros membros da CaFCP no mercado de hidrogênio de células de combustível”, disse Peter Wagner, CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group.

Existem vários novos produtos de hidrogênio em desenvolvimento, como as primeiras bombas móveis de reabastecimento de hidrogênio, bombas de hidrogênio alternativo de alta capacidade/alta pressão e estações de reabastecimento de hidrogênio líquido em contêiner. Além da capacidade de fornecer projetos de engenharia, compras e turnkey completos.

A Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (agora membro da Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) fabrica equipamentos de processamento de gás criogênico projetados e plantas de processo de pequena escala para as indústrias de gás natural liquefeito (GNL), serviços de poços e gás industrial. Fundada há mais de 50 anos, a Cryogenic Industries é a empresa controladora da ACD, Cosmodyne e Cryoquip, e de um grupo comumente controlado de aproximadamente 20 entidades operacionais.

Para mais informação, visite www.nikkisoCEIG.com e www.nikkiso.com.

Anna Quigley

Casio lance des modèles G-SHOCK en collaboration avec la série documentaire télévisée Matchday : Inside FC Barcelona

TOKYO, 15 décembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. a annoncé aujourd’hui les dernières nouveautés de sa marque de montres antichocs G-SHOCK. Le GBD-H1000BAR et le GBD-100BAR sont des modèles de collaboration célébrant Matchday: Inside FC Barcelona, un documentaire sur le monde intérieur du célèbre club de football espagnol.

GBD-H1000BAR (left), GBD-100BAR (right)

Les modèles de base des deux nouvelles montres sont le GBD-H1000 et le GBD-100, tous deux issus de la gamme G-SQUAD. Les nouveaux modèles reprennent les couleurs bleu et grenat de l’équipe du FC Barcelone. Les bracelets, conçus pour évoquer les uniformes passés et présents de l’équipe, sont imprimées de la devise du club, « Més que un club » (« Plus qu’un club ») dans la langue catalane locale. Le GBD-H1000BAR est dotée d’une lunette en métal plaqué or ionique brillant comme une coupe de trophée de vainqueur, tandis que la boucle du bracelet des deux montres arbore les quatre bandes rouges du drapeau catalan. Un emballage spécialement conçu, également aux couleurs de l’équipe du FC Barcelone, est une touche finale digne de ces montres singulières.


Les deux nouvelles montres sont équipées d’un accéléromètre pour compter les pas et suivre les distances. Le GBD-H1000BAR est également équipé d’un moniteur de fréquence cardiaque et d’un suivi GPS. Les deux nouveaux modèles offrent également des fonctions de liaison mobile qui, lorsqu’elles sont associées à une application smartphone dédiée, favorisent la gestion quotidienne de la santé en permettant aux utilisateurs de consulter les journaux de vie avec des données sur le nombre de pas et les calories brûlées, les journaux d’activité, etc. L’écran LCD à mémoire en pixels (MIP) pour une visibilité exceptionnelle et le bracelet en uréthane souple, pour une ventilation et une flexibilité exceptionnelles, offrent un confort dans toutes les situations, de l’utilisation quotidienne aux entraînements intensifs.

Special packaging (GBD-H1000BAR [left]; GBD-100BAR [right])

Matchday: Inside FC Barcelona

Une série documentaire en huit épisodes centrée sur la saison 2018-2019 de l’un des clubs de football les plus adulés au monde. Du frisson de la victoire à l’agonie de la défaite, la série offre un aperçu des joueurs, de la philosophie et de la culture du FC Barcelone.

Photo : https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1708036/image_1.jpg

Photo : https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1708149/image_2.jpg

Photo : https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1708038/image_3.jpg

US State Department: Terrorism Still a ‘Pervasive Threat Worldwide’

Terrorist groups remained “a persistent and pervasive threat worldwide” through last year, the U.S. State Department concluded in a new assessment on Thursday.

“The United States and its partners made significant major strides against terrorist organizations,” the report concluded about Western anti-terrorism efforts through the end of 2020, the last year of former President Donald Trump’s White House tenure. However, it said “the terrorism threat has become more geographically dispersed in regions around the world.”

The report said that although the Islamic State terrorist group lost all the territory it had seized in Iraq and Syria, “the organization and its branches continued to mount a worldwide terrorism campaign, carrying out deadly attacks globally,” killing more people in 2020 than in any previous year.

The report said that al-Qaida and its affiliates faced the “significant” loss of two key leaders, yet their networks “continued to exploit under-governed spaces, conflict zones, and security gaps in the Middle East to acquire terrorist resources and conduct terrorist attacks.”

The State Department concluded that al-Qaida “bolstered its presence abroad, particularly in the Middle East and Africa, where affiliates AQAP, al-Shabab in the Horn of Africa, and Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin in the Sahel remain among the most active and dangerous terrorist groups in the world.”

In addition, it said, “Iran continued to support acts of terrorism regionally and globally during 2020. Regionally, Iran supported proxies and partner groups in Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, including Hezbollah and Hamas.”

The report said senior al-Qaida officials “continued to reside in Iran and facilitate terrorist operations from there. Globally, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force remained the primary Iranian actors involved in supporting terrorist recruitment, financing, and plots across Europe, Africa, and Asia, and both Americas.”

The State Department report said the global COVID-19 pandemic “complicated the terrorist landscape, creating both challenges and opportunities for terrorist groups. While the pandemic disrupted terrorist travel, financing, and operations, terrorist groups adapted their approaches and appeals, using the internet to continue radicalizing others to violence and inspiring attacks worldwide.”

The Islamic State “exploited the crisis to reinforce violent extremist narratives, proclaiming to followers that the virus was ‘God’s wrath upon the West,’” the report concluded.

Despite the ongoing terrorist threat, the report said the U.S. “continued to play a major role” in prosecuting IS foreign terrorist fighters and in marshaling allied countries to fight global terrorism.

It said that to ensure that Islamic State fighters captured by the Syrian Democratic Forces never return to the battlefield, “the United States continued to lead by example in bringing back its citizens and prosecuting them when appropriate,” including 10 charged with an array of terrorism-related crimes.

Source: Voice of America

US, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Britain Voice Support for Sudanese Political Deal

The United States and three other countries voiced encouragement Thursday over a political deal to reinstate Abdalla Hamdok as Sudan’s prime minister.

Sudanese military leaders struck a deal with civilian political forces on November 21 to return Hamdok to power after he was deposed in an October 25 military coup and spent nearly four weeks under house arrest.

The deal empowers Hamdok to lead a government during a political transition expected to last until 2023 while sharing power with the military.

Members of major political parties and Sudan’s influential protest movement have opposed the agreement, with some calling it a betrayal.

The November deal is meant to be based on an earlier agreement reached between the military and civilian political forces after the ouster of Omar al-Bashir in 2019, when they had agreed to share power until elections.

The agreement sparked massive street protests in Khartoum and other cities days after it was reached. As of late November, at least 40 unarmed protesters had been killed by excessive force used by the country’s security forces during nationwide protests since the coup, according to Amnesty International, which attributed the death toll to the Sudanese Doctors Committee.

“We urge signatories to live up to the commitments made in the political agreement,” the U.S., Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Britain said in a joint statement. “In this respect we note with appreciation the recent releases of political detainees, and the establishment of a committee of investigation to ensure that those responsible for violence against protestors are held accountable.

The military coup occurred after weeks of escalating tensions between military and civilian leaders over Sudan’s transition to democracy.

The coup has threatened to derail the process that began after the ouster of longtime autocrat Bashir in a popular uprising in 2019.

Source: Voice of America