‫Maypharm تطلق مجموعة احترافية جديدة HAIRNA لحل تساقط الشعر

سيول، كوريا الجنوبية ونيويورك، 24 ديسمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — تُعرف شركة Maypharm كشركة مصنعة لتوكسين البوتولينوم Metox الذي تم إطلاقه مؤخرًا بنجاح مع الجيل الثاني من الميزة التكنولوجية وحشو meNnus PLA لتجديد الكولاجين، يركز الآن على مجموعة احترافية جديدة HAIRNA لحل تساقط الشعر.

يتكون خط إنتاج الشعر الجديد من 5 منتجات، منتج رئيسي هو HAIRNA EXOSOME AMPOULE (5 مل × 5 قوارير) مع حويصلات خارج خلوية، فعال في علاج تساقط الشعر؛ HAIRNA HAIR FILL (2.5 مل)، ضروري لمنع تساقط الشعر والتطبيع وثلاثي إضافي من منتجات HAIRNA الداعمة، وهي HAIRNA SHAMPOO (300 مل) و HAIRNA TREATMENT (200 مل) و HAIRNA TONER (150 مل) للمساعدة في العناية بفروة الرأس وتساقط الشعر مشكلة وعلاج الشعر التالف.

 أفيد عن جميع منتجات HAIRNA إلى KFDA وتم التعرف على ثباتها دون أي تهيج خلال جميع التجارب السريرية. على وجه الخصوص، تم اختبار HAIRNA EXOSOME BOOSTER AMPOULE أيضًا لمعرفة كيفية تحسين جلد فروة الرأس والمرونة وتساقط الشعر، وكانت النتائج مرضية.

يحتوي على 37,000 جزء في المليون من الحويصلات خارج خلوية، وهو مكون رئيسي لتخفيف أعراض تساقط الشعر، وهو فعال بشكل مدهش في علاج داء الثعلبة.

إنه منتج يمكن لكل من الرجال والنساء الذين يعانون من تساقط الشعر الوراثي والمتعلق بالتوتر استخدامه مباشرة عن طريق اختراق فروة الرأس باستخدام نظام العلاج بالأبرة الدقيقة (MTS needle)، المصممة خصيصًا لأمبولات HAIRNA، بدلاً من التطبيق الموضعي فقط. كما أن المكون الخارجي نفسه فعال للغاية في تساقط الشعر لأن عملية الامتصاص تبدأ مباشرة من فروة الرأس.

يعمل HAIRNA HAIR FILL بالنحاس والبانثينول وفيتامين ب المركب كمضاد للأكسدة للشعر عن طريق تطبيع دورة نمو الشعر ويمنع تساقط الشعر؛ يمنع الضرر التأكسدي لخلايا بصيلات الشعر عن طريق قمع الجذور الحرة؛ يوفر الترطيب من أجل المرونة وتأثير اللمعان.

تم العثور على فائدة HAIR FILL في تآزر العوامل الخارجية وعوامل النمو والمكونات النشطة التي تقوي حاجز فروة الرأس بالكامل وتمنع تساقط الشعر. بعد موازنة فروة الرأس غير الصحية، يساعد ملء الشعر على تحسين الحالة العامة لفروة الرأس والحفاظ على التأثير لفترة طويلة.

يحتوي HAIRNA SHAMPOO والعلاج (TREATMENT) و TONER على مكونات رئيسية تمنع تساقط الشعر مثل L-menthol و Dexpanthenol و Salicylic Acid، وهي فعالة في تبريد حرارة فروة الرأس، وإزالة الدهون وخلايا الجلد الميتة، والترطيب، وتخفيف أعراض تساقط الشعر.

أعلنت Maypharm عن HAIRNA على لوحة الإعلانات الرقمية المدهشة في تايمز سكوير في نيويورك في ديسمبر 2021.


شركة Maypharm معترف بها جيدًا كموزع جملة ومصنع في جميع أنحاء العالم في أمريكا الوسطى والشرق الأوسط ودول جنوب وجنوب شرق آسيا وأوروبا، على وجه الخصوص، في الصين والمملكة المتحدة وروسيا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والسوق المكسيكي.

“بينما أصبحنا معروفين جيدًا كشركة مصنعة لـ Metox، فإننا نركز تمامًا على اتخاذ مكانة عالمية في HAIRNA الآن. يتوفر HAIRNA Full Line على العديد من المنصات العالمية على الإنترنت، بما في ذلك Amazon و Shopee و Q10 و Lazada.

 تفضل بزيارة موقع الويب للحصول على معلومات بالتفصيل: http://www.maypharm.co.kr.

التواصل: maypharm@maypharm.co.kr

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Suicide Bomber Strikes in Eastern Congo, Killing at Least 6

BENI, CONGO — A suicide bomber attacked a restaurant and bar Saturday as dozens of patrons gathered on Christmas Day, killing at least six others in an eastern Congolese town where Islamic extremists are known to be active.

Heavy gunfire rang out shortly after the bomb went off, with panicked crowds fleeing the town’s center.

Gen. Sylvain Ekenge, spokesperson for the governor of North Kivu, said that security guards had blocked the bomber from entering the crowded bar and so the person instead detonated the explosives at the entrance.

“We call on people to remain vigilant and to avoid crowded areas during the holiday season,” he said in a statement. “In the city and territory of Beni, it is difficult, in these times to know who is who.”

Loud noise, black smoke

Rachel Magali had been at the restaurant-bar for about three hours with her sister-in-law and several others when she heard a loud noise outside.

“Suddenly we saw black smoke surrounding the bar and people started to cry,” she told The Associated Press. “We rushed to the exit where I saw people lying down. There were green plastic chairs scattered everywhere and I also saw heads and arms no longer attached. It was really horrible.”

Among the dead were two children, according to Mayor Narcisse Muteba, who is also a police colonel. At least 13 other people were wounded and taken to a local hospital.

“Investigations are underway to find the perpetrators of this terrorist attack,” he told The Associated Press.

Rebels vex town

The town has long been targeted by rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces, a group that traces its origins to neighboring Uganda. But an Islamic State group affiliate claimed responsibility for two explosions in Beni in June, deepening fears that religious extremism has taken hold there, too.

Those explosions included the first known suicide bombing in eastern Congo, a Ugandan man who blew himself up outside of a bar. The Islamic State group’s Central Africa Province later said that the suicide bomber was targeting Christians. The other explosion that day went off inside a Catholic church, wounding two people.

Residents of the town have repeatedly expressed anger over the ongoing insecurity despite an army offensive and the presence of U.N. peacekeepers in Beni. In recent years, the town also has suffered through an Ebola epidemic and has seen several smaller outbreaks of the disease.

Source: Voice of America

Burkina Faso Declares 2-Day Mourning Period for 41 Killed in Ambush

OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO — Authorities in Burkina Faso have declared a two-day period of mourning after suspected militants killed at least 41 members of a government-backed civilian militia in the country’s desert north this week.

A column of civilian fighters from the Homeland Defense Volunteers (VDP), a group the government funds and trains to contain Islamist insurgents, was ambushed on Thursday as it swept a remote area in the northern Loroum province, authorities said Saturday.

It was one of the heaviest single-day losses the civilian militia has experienced to date and occurred one month after an attack on a gendarmerie post killed 53 people, the worst strike on Burkinabe security forces in years.

“In this painful circumstance and as a tribute to the valiant VDP and civilians who fell in defense of the homeland, the president of Burkina Faso decrees a national mourning period of forty-eight hours, starting Sunday,” government spokesperson Alkassoum Maiga said in a statement.

Authorities have faced repeated protests in recent months over their perceived failure to curb a four-year Islamist insurgency that has killed thousands across Africa’s Sahel Region and prompted more than a million people to flee their homes.

Militants linked to al-Qaida and Islamic State have inflicted heavy casualties on the region’s armies, killing soldiers in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali almost every week in scattered attacks.

The Burkinabe army said about 100 militants were killed earlier this month in a joint offensive involving hundreds of troops from Burkina Faso and Niger, who also seized guns, improvised explosive devices and hundreds of motorcycles.

Source: Voice of America

Pope: World Must Be Open to Dialogue to Resolve Conflicts

ROME — On Christmas Day, in his message to the city and the world, Pope Francis stressed the importance of being open to dialogue to resolve the large number of conflicts, crises and disagreements that exist in today’s world. He mentioned Syria, Iraq and Yemen as examples of countries where longstanding conflicts have caused endless suffering.

As customary on Christmas Day, Pope Francis appeared at the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica overlooking the square to deliver his “Urbi et Orbi” message and blessing to the city and to the world, a tradition he had to make a break from last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Addressing those gathered at the Vatican on this rainy, wintry day and the millions watching him live on television, Francis said the need for patient dialogue at this time of pandemic is even more necessary in the world.

The pope said that “our capacity for social relationships is sorely tried; there is a growing tendency to withdraw, to do it all by ourselves, to stop making an effort to encounter others and do things together.”

He also turned his comments to the international situation, where “we continue to witness a great number of conflicts, crises and disagreements.” These, he added, never seem to end and people hardly notice them.

We have become so used to them, Francis said, that immense tragedies are now being passed over in silence: we risk not hearing the cry of pain and distress of so many of our brothers and sisters.

Francis said the risk is that of avoiding dialogue, and that the complex crisis of the world pandemic will lead to taking of shortcuts rather than the longer paths of dialogue, which, he stressed, are the way to the resolution of conflicts and lasting benefits for all.

Among the nations that the pope singled out were Syria, where for more than a decade the war has resulted in many victims and an untold number of displaced people, Iraq, still struggling to recover from a lengthy conflict, and Yemen.

Let us listen to the cry of children arising from Yemen, Francis said, where an enormous tragedy, overlooked by everyone, has silently gone on for years, causing deaths every day.

Francis mentioned other conflict areas in the world, including the Middle East, where the continuing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians drag on without a resolution. He also spoke of the Afghan people, tested by more than 40 years of conflict, and the people of Myanmar, where intolerance and violence have targeted Christian communities.

He did not forget Africa, mentioning Ethiopia, the Sahel region and Sudan.

The pope prayed for the peoples of the countries of North Africa, tormented by divisions, unemployment and economic inequality.

At this time of pandemic, Francis also reminded the world and asked for prayers for the victims of violence against women, for young children and adolescents suffering from bullying and abuse, and for the elderly. He prayed that the current health crisis be overcome and that the necessary health care and vaccines in particular be provided to those who need them most.

Source: Voice of America