Zoom Appoints Cindy Hoots to Board of Directors

SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced that it has appointed Cindy Hoots, Chief Digital Officer and CIO of AstraZeneca, as an independent director on Zoom’s Board of Directors effective immediately.

“Zoom has changed the way companies around the world do business and is ushering in entirely new ways to transact business internationally,” said Hoots. “Global leaders have the responsibility to ensure our ecosystem of employees, partners, customers, and our community can connect and collaborate seamlessly in a sustainably responsible way. I am thrilled to join Zoom’s Board and CEO Eric Yuan, an inspirational leader with a strong vision. I believe this company has an important role in making a meaningful impact on people’s lives.”

“On behalf of Zoom’s Board of Directors, I am excited to welcome Cindy to the team,” said Zoom Founder and CEO Eric S. Yuan. “Cindy’s experience leading large global companies in highly regulated and complex industries will bring tremendous value to our company. As Zoom continues to grow and innovate within the healthcare sector, we look forward to Cindy’s perspectives and contributions.”

About Cindy Hoots
Ms. Hoots has served as the Chief Digital Officer and Chief Information Officer at AstraZeneca PLC, a pharmaceutical company, since January 2020. From January 2018 to December 2019, she served as Global Vice President of Technology of Unilever PLC, a multinational consumer goods company. Prior to joining Unilever, Ms. Hoots served as Vice President of Next Generation Products, Commercial, and Digital Transformation at British American Tobacco plc from 2016 to 2018. She also spent 16 years at Mars, Incorporated. Ms. Hoots received a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from DeVry Institute of Technology.

About Zoom
Zoom is for you. Zoom is a space where you can connect to others, share ideas, make plans, and build toward a future limited only by your imagination. Our frictionless communications platform is the only one that started with video as its foundation, and we have set the standard for innovation ever since. That is why we are an intuitive, scalable, and secure choice for individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises alike. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ: ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Visit zoom.com and follow @zoom.

Zoom PR
Colleen Rodriguez
Head of Global PR

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8724219

Prepay Nation promeut Paolo Montessori au poste de président-directeur général (PDG)

BERWYN, Pennsylvanie, 05 janv. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Prepay Nation, un leader mondial des produits prépayés B2B, annonce la nomination de Paolo Montessori en tant que nouveau président-directeur général (PDG). Le conseil d’administration a choisi M. Montessori pour succéder à A.J. Hanna en tant que PDG d’ici janvier 2023 après un exercice approfondi de planification de la relève.

Après plus de 3 ans et demi passés chez Prepay Nation, dont les 2 dernières années et demi au poste de PDG, A.J. Hanna a annoncé qu’il quittera son poste de PDG et de président de Prepay Nation avant le 31 décembre 2022. A.J. Hanna continue à soutenir la transition en tant que conseiller spécial du conseil d’administration et du PDG nouvellement nommé.

Paolo Montessori a rejoint Prepay Nation en octobre 2021 au poste de Chief Revenue Officer (directeur financier). Tout au long de sa carrière de plus de 25 ans, M. Montessori a établi un palmarès bien étoffé d’accomplissements à la tête d’entreprises de télécommunications et de services financiers sur un large éventail de possibilités stratégiques et de développement commercial à une époque d’évolution constante dans le monde des services financiers et des paiements. En tant que PDG, les objectifs principaux de M. Montessori seront de renforcer la situation financière et la solide assise des actifs de Prepay Nation, y compris un réseau mondial de distribution interconnecté et un marché prépayé, ainsi que d’accélérer les plans de croissance de l’entreprise et d’élargir ses alternatives de paiement.

A.J. Hanna, président du conseil d’administration et PDG de Prepay Nation, a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis d’accueillir Paolo Montessori en tant que prochain PDG de Prepay Nation. M. Montessori est un dirigeant qui a fait ses preuves dans le développement des talents et la direction d’équipes, tout en stimulant la croissance et l’innovation dans les secteurs des technologies financières et des télécommunications. Grâce à sa vaste expérience acquise dans l’expansion de Comviva sur de nouveaux territoires, en tant que PDG d’eServGlobal où il a constitué HomeSend, la coentreprise transfrontalière avec MasterCard, en tant que directeur général de l’activité de traitement des transactions de Novatti et en tant que PDG de LenddoEFL, une fintech innovante d’analyse des risques alimentée par l’IA, M. Montessori est bien placé pour diriger Prepay Nation dans cette nouvelle ère. L’attention toute particulière de Paolo Montessori portée à l’accélération de la croissance de l’entreprise et à l’adoption élargie de nos offres d’écosystème et des capacités du marché prépayé auprès des utilisateurs et des entreprises permettra de lancer Prepay Nation 2.0. »

Anurag Jain, co-fondateur de Prepay Nation, a ajouté : « Au nom du conseil d’administration, de nos employés, de nos clients et de nos partenaires commerciaux du monde entier, je tiens à remercier A.J. Hanna pour son dévouement et son enthousiasme envers Prepay Nation, et à le féliciter pour les nombreux accomplissements et étapes franchies, que nous avons célébrés alors qu’il était à la tête de cette entreprise dynamique. Sous la direction de M. Hanna, Prepay Nation a étendu son empreinte mondiale et développé un marché à la pointe du secteur pour les produits prépayés, et a transformé nos capacités en un avantage concurrentiel. »

Le nouveau PDG, Paolo Montessori, a commenté : « Être choisi pour diriger une organisation aussi respectée que Prepay Nation, un marché mondial de la technologie et du prépaiement, qui dessert plus de 150 pays et plus de 5 milliards d’utilisateurs, est un grand honneur et une opportunité véritablement passionnante.

C’est la passion d’innover, en restant à l’écoute des besoins des clients, qui guide Prepay Nation depuis ses débuts il y a plus de dix ans. J’ai hâte de diriger l’équipe de Prepay Nation et de travailler main dans la main pour tracer un avenir de croissance, créant de la valeur pour nos actionnaires tout en fournissant des services prépayés essentiels à notre public mondial. »

A.J. Hanna a ajouté : « Cela a été un honneur et un privilège de diriger Prepay Nation et d’aider à servir nos partenaires mondiaux et leurs utilisateurs. Je garde de précieux souvenirs du temps passé à travailler avec nos collègues, dont le talent, la fidélité et l’engagement envers nos clients sont sans pareil. Je suis fier de l’entreprise axée sur les objectifs que nous avons façonnée ensemble, et j’ai hâte de voir la société et l’équipe prospérer sous la direction de Paolo Montessori. »

À propos de Prepay Nation :

Prepay Nation est un leader mondial des produits prépayés B2B, qui facilite l’achat de recharges transfrontalières de temps d’antenne mobile, de données, de cartes-cadeaux et de paiements de services publics au-delà des frontières internationales. L’entreprise se targue d’une présence opérationnelle dans plus de 150 pays, avec plus de 600 partenariats d’opérateurs mobiles dans plus de 300 000 points de vente. Elle est soutenue par une équipe répartie dans le monde entier aux États-Unis, au Canada, en Asie, en Europe et au Moyen-Orient. Nous permettons aux marques locales et mondiales de distribuer leurs produits prépayés par le biais de notre réseau mondial de revendeurs omnicanal. Nos partenaires bénéficient d’une augmentation des ventes, de l’acquisition de clients, de l’engagement, de la rétention et de la fidélisation.

Pour plus d’information, rendez-vous sur www.prepaynation.com ou contactez Janis D’souza à l’adresse hello@prepaynation.com

Une photo accompagnant la présente annonce est disponible sur https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e6e795e8-3952-4fac-be39-a9e19eaaf650

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8724753

Prepay Nation promove Paolo Montessori a Diretor Executivo (CEO)

BERWYN, Pa., Jan. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  A Prepay Nation, líder global no mercado de produtos pré-pagos B2B, anuncia a nomeação de Paolo Montessori como novo CEO. O Conselho Diretor escolheu Montessori para suceder A.J. Hanna como CEO até janeiro de 2023, após um minucioso exercício de planejamento sucessório.

Depois de mais de 3 anos e meio na Prepay Nation, incluindo os últimos 2 anos e meio como CEO, A.J. Hanna anunciou que deixará o cargo de CEO e de Presidente da Prepay Nation em 31 de dezembro de 2022. A.J. continuará a apoiar a transição como consultor especial do Conselho de Administração e do CEO recém-nomeado.

Paolo Montessori ingressou na Prepay Nation em outubro de 2021 como Diretor de Receita. Ao longo da sua carreira de mais de 25 anos, Montessori estabeleceu um sólido histórico de realizações liderando empresas de telecomunicações e de serviços financeiros em uma ampla gama de possibilidades estratégicas e de criação de negócios durante um período de constante evolução no mundo dos serviços financeiros e pagamentos. Como CEO, os principais objetivos de Montessori serão fortalecer a posição financeira e a base sólida de ativos da Prepay Nation, incluindo a rede de distribuição interconectada em todo o mundo e o mercado pré-pago, bem como acelerar os planos de crescimento da empresa e expandir suas alternativas de pagamento.

O Presidente do Conselho e CEO da Prepay Nation A.J. Hanna disse: “É um grande prazer receber Paolo Montessori como o próximo CEO da Prepay Nation. Paolo é líder comprovado, conhecido pelo desenvolvimento de talentos e liderança de equipes, e como incentivador do crescimento e da inovação nos setores de fintech e telecomunicações. Com sua vasta experiência na expansão da Comviva em novas regiões geográficas, como CEO da eServGlobal, onde formou a HomeSend, uma joint venture transfronteiriça com a MasterCard, como CEO do negócio de processamento de transações da Novatti e CEO da inovadora fintech de análise de risco alimentada por IA LenddoEFL, ele está bem-posicionado para liderar a Prepay Nation nesta nova era. Focado em acelerar o crescimento da empresa e conquistar a adoção mais ampla das nossas ofertas de ecossistemas e recursos de mercado pré-pagos por parte de usuários e empresas, Paolo lançará o Prepay Nation 2.0.”

Anurag Jain, cofundador da Prepay Nation, acrescentou: “Em nome do Conselho de Administração, nossos funcionários globais, clientes e parceiros de negócios, quero agradecer a A.J. por sua dedicação e entusiasmo na Prepay Nation e parabenizá-lo pelas muitas conquistas e marcos que celebramos enquanto ele esteve ao leme desta empresa dinâmica. Sob a liderança de A.J., a Prepay Nation expandiu seu alcance global e ampliou o mercado líder da indústria de produtos pré-pagos, transformando a nossa capacidade em uma vantagem competitiva.”

Paolo Montessori, o novo CEO: “É uma grande honra e uma oportunidade muito emocionante ter sido selecionado para liderar uma organização tão respeitada como a Prepay Nation, uma tecnologia global e um mercado global pré-pago, que atende mais de 150 países e mais de 5 bilhões de usuários.

A paixão por inovar com como foco nas necessidades do cliente é o que orienta a Prepay Nation desde seu início há mais de uma década. Estou pronto para liderar a equipe da Prepay Nation e trabalhar em conjunto para traçar um futuro de crescimento, criando valor para nossos acionistas e fornecendo serviços pré-pagos essenciais para nossa audiência global.”

A.J. Hanna acrescentou: “É uma honra e um privilégio liderar a Prepay Nation e ajudar a servir nossos parceiros e usuários em todo o mundo. Tenho muitas boas lembranças do tempo que passei trabalhando com nossos colegas, cujo talento, lealdade e compromisso com nossos clientes são incomparáveis. Estou orgulhoso do negócio orientado por propósitos que moldamos juntos e estou ansioso para ver a empresa e a equipe florescerem sob a liderança de Paolo.”

Sobre a Prepay Nation:

A Prepay Nation é um mercado líder global de produtos pré-pagos B2B que facilita a compra de recargas transfronteiriças de tempo de antena móvel, dados, cartões-presente e pagamentos de serviços públicos em fronteiras internacionais. Ela tem operações em mais de 150 países e mais de 600 parcerias de operadoras móveis em mais de 300.000 locais de varejo – apoiadas por uma equipe distribuída globalmente nos EUA, Canadá, Ásia, Europa e Oriente Médio. Nós viabilizamos que marcas locais e globais distribuam seus produtos pré-pagos através da nossa rede de revendedores omnicanal em todo o mundo. Nossos parceiros se beneficiam do aumento de vendas, aquisição de clientes, engajamento, retenção e fidelização.

Para mais informações, visite www.prepaynation.com ou contacte Janis D’souza em hello@prepaynation.com

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e6e795e8-3952-4fac-be39-a9e19eaaf650

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8724753

PowerChina soutient la formation de talents hautement qualifiés en Zambie

LUSAKA, Zambie, 6 janvier 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Sur la rivière Kafue, à environ 90 km au sud de Lusaka, capitale de la Zambie, la première centrale hydroélectrique à grande échelle de Zambie tourne à plein régime.

Mise en service en juillet 2021, la centrale hydroélectrique inférieure de Kafue Gorge, construite par PowerChina, prévoit l’installation de cinq turbines Francis, pour une capacité totale installée de 750 MW.

En plus d’avoir accéléré le processus d’industrialisation de la Zambie, cette centrale a également changé le destin de nombreux jeunes zambiens. Gift Kapanda, 35 ans, est l’un d’entre eux.

PowerChina Supports Cultivation of Highly Skilled Talent in Zambia

En 2017, la vie de ce jeune Zambien a pris un tournant inédit après sa visite de l’institut de formation Sinohydro, fondé par PowerChina dans le but de dispenser des cours de formation professionnelle gratuits afin de former des travailleurs qualifiés pour le projet hydroélectrique et de générer des talents pour des projets locaux en Zambie. M. Kapanda s’est inscrit à l’institut pour étudier l’ingénierie électrique et a commencé sa « transformation ».

Comme M. Kapanda, le destin de plus de 300 jeunes en Zambie a complètement changé grâce à l’institut de formation Sinohydro. Les compétences acquises à l’institut ont transformé leur vie.

Avec un investissement de 1,45 million de dollars, l’institut a été créé par PowerChina en 2017, et recrute des étudiants de toute la Zambie, leur fournit une éducation et une formation gratuites, un logement gratuit et des allocations de subsistance, dans le but de cultiver des talents qualifiés dont la Zambie a un besoin urgent dans le domaine de la construction d’infrastructures.

Jusqu’à présent, l’institut a formé 332 étudiants, dont 10 femmes, en tant que techniciens, qui sont devenus les piliers de ce projet ainsi que d’autres projets d’ingénierie en Zambie. La plupart d’entre eux travaillent pour le projet d’électricité après leur formation, a déclaré Fang Zhi, doyen de l’institut, à ChinAfrica.

« Avant, j’étais un électricien ordinaire qui ne pouvait faire que des câblages ou des réparations simples, mais c’est différent maintenant. J’ai reçu une formation professionnelle et systématique. À force de pratique, je suis devenu un bon ingénieur électricien », a confié M. Kapanda à ChinAfrica.

L’aide apportée par la Chine à l’Afrique a été faussement accusée de « néo-colonialisme », et l’image des entreprises chinoises en Afrique a également été déformée et diffamée. « Le fait est que les entreprises chinoises en Afrique emploient un grand nombre de travailleurs locaux grâce à la localisation des ressources humaines, ce qui favorise grandement l’emploi local, améliore le niveau de vie de la population locale, et renforce le sentiment d’appartenance, de bonheur et de responsabilité des employés locaux », a déclaré Zhou Qingguo, chef de projet du Bureau de la centrale hydroélectrique inférieure de Kafue Gorge, à ChinAfrica.

Depuis la mise en service de la centrale hydroélectrique inférieure de Kafue Gorge, plus de 10 000 employés locaux ont été embauchés, soit 90 % de la main-d’œuvre du projet.

Depuis son entrée sur le marché zambien en 2001, PowerChina s’est profondément impliquée dans le développement du pays. « En formant et en employant la population locale, il est possible de renforcer les échanges entre les peuples chinois et africains, afin de rapprocher davantage leurs cœurs », a déclaré Song Mingming, représentant national de PowerChina en Zambie.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1977060/PowerChina_Supports_Cultivation_Highly_Skilled_Talent_Zambia.jpg

Does the UN need a more coherent approach toward “de facto” authorities?

As a result of the shifting dynamics in certain conflicts such as Ukraine and Afghanistan and as coups have become more common, particularly in Africa, the United Nations (UN) is having to engage with de facto authorities in a growing number of country contexts. This is presenting several operational challenges.

Currently, there is no system-wide policy across the UN for engaging with de facto authorities, resulting in a case-by-case approach with separate guidelines drawn up for each context. While de facto authorities come to power in different contexts and for different reasons, the central policy question facing the UN is how to balance the risk of legitimizing what are widely considered illegitimate forms of government with the need to continue to engage with these governments to fulfill key mandated tasks, including conflict resolution, humanitarian assistance, development cooperation, and human rights protection.

The term “de facto authorities” can refer to non-state entities or armed groups that are engaged in a struggle with the sovereign state and have effective authority over some territory and display state-like structures. Russian-backed militias and authorities have, for example, been part of the attempted annexation of eastern Ukraine. However, de facto authorities are also those that have seized power by force or unconstitutional means and govern despite not being recognized internationally or with the continued existence of a separate de jure government. This would include the Myanmar armed forces that attempted in February 2021 to illegally seize power just as the National League for Democracy (NLD) was about to form a government after winning elections. The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021 has similarly led to an uneasy faceoff with the international community.

It is the second of these scenarios that is addressed here, including the specific dilemmas and operational challenges that these de facto authorities present for the UN, and whether a more coherent approach is required for how the organization deals with them.

To Engage or Not to Engage

In the countries where it operates, the UN has no role in recognizing states, which is the preserve of its member states. Nonetheless, by interacting with de facto authorities, UN entities can confer a degree of legitimacy, and therefore need to handle these situations carefully. For example, they may be best off avoiding public meetings with officials from de facto authorities or issuing formal communications to them such as notes verbales, which are the UN’s official form of correspondence with national authorities. In September 2022, 638 civil society organizations published an open letter to the UN secretary-general condemning the recent public signing of agreements with the Myanmar junta by representatives of several UN agencies, which underscores the reputational risks of engaging with de facto authorities.

Yet to not engage at all with de facto authorities is not practical and would prevent the UN from carrying out its work. For example, while the UN officially has a “no contact” policy with Hamas after it was designated a terrorist organization when it assumed power in Gaza in 2006, the UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process regularly engages with the Palestinian armed group in efforts to prevent a flare-up of conflict with Israel.

Peacemaking is not the only UN task that involves engagement with de facto authorities. UN peace operations with mandates to support democratic transitions and extend state authority have had to reconfigure their engagement with de facto authorities in Mali and Sudan following coups in those countries in 2021.

The protection of civilians and the promotion of respect for human rights also require engagement with even the most egregious violators to advocate for them to respect their obligations under international law. Without ongoing interaction, the UN would be unable to present documented human rights concerns to seek accountability. The existence of competing authorities, however, raises the question of who should be held accountable for the crimes committed. For example, both the military junta and the National Unity Government have both claimed they should represent Myanmar in the case of The Gambia v. Myanmar under the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice.

Engagement with de facto authorities may also be necessary to ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance and negotiate humanitarian access, putting the moral imperative to help people in need above the international community’s disavowing of certain regimes. For example, the UN Security Council included a “humanitarian exception” to its Taliban sanctions regime so that aid agencies could engage with the Taliban to avert a humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan after their takeover in August 2021. The practice has now been generalized for other such contexts.

Development cooperation, however, requires direct support to national authorities and may require significant reconfiguration when it’s no longer possible to transfer resources to de facto authorities. For example, after the 2021 coup in Myanmar, the UN country team undertook a due diligence exercise to cease any development program with junta-led line ministries.

The different pillars of work of the UN—peace and security, development, and human rights—are therefore impacted differently by de facto authorities, and the entities involved may view engagement with them differently, which makes agreeing a common approach more challenging.

Country Context Matters

The circumstances in which de facto authorities take control of governmental functions also have a significant bearing on the UN’s subsequent relationship with them as well the reaction of the international community.

Coups are, by definition, unconstitutional and, if successful and not reversed, usually lead to illegitimate regimes. The coup in Myanmar last year was illegal even according to the constitution the military itself had written, and the resulting regime is reviled by the people of Myanmar who have since launched an armed resistance. Coups in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Sudan over the past year have been condemned by the international community, and the UN has had to tread carefully with how it deals with the resulting military regimes.

Armed conflict can also result in de facto authorities such as the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Houthi regime in Yemen. Both the Taliban and Houthis are designated terrorist organizations, which is a major part of why they are considered de facto authorities. The same applies to Hamas, although it did not come to power by a coup or conflict but by winning elections in 2006.

Political Considerations

While there are normative considerations, such as democratic legitimacy and human rights record, the question of which authorities are considered “de facto” is extremely political. The decisions of the intergovernmental organs of the UN, particularly the General Assembly and the Security Council, can be instructive as to whether UN entities based in a country should consider that country’s regime to be a de facto authority. The Security Council may have designated a de facto authority a terrorist entity and condemned unconstitutional changes of government, although its record in response to coups has been patchy and inconsistent. The General Assembly has similarly raised concerns about such events in several contexts, but has often struggled to reach consensus on an appropriate response.

Who gets to represent a state at the UN also has implications for which authorities the UN should engage with on the ground. In December 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted the recommendation of the UN Credentials Committee to defer a decision on the representation of Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Libya. In effect, the credentials of the Taliban, the Myanmar junta, and the authorities in the east of Libya were rejected, which left the incumbent civilian government representatives in the seat.

The world body’s partnership with regional bodies can also indirectly shape its response to unconstitutional changes of government. The African Union (AU), for instance, has readily suspended the membership of states on the continent that experience coups. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), though, has been less willing to condemn military takeovers in its region because of its guiding principle of non-interference.

A Common Policy

There are no fixed rules about which governments the UN should consider de facto authorities, but the organization faces common political, reputational, and operational risks when this does happen. While too close an association may legitimize the indefensible actions of de facto authorities, a certain level of engagement is required for the UN to fulfill its mandate tasks. Striking the right balance is not an easy task.

Given the increasing number of situations around the world in which the UN is now dealing with de facto authorities, it is perhaps time for a common policy across the UN system. What would that look like? It could first create a clear definition of de facto authorities and map the different scenarios in which the UN might find itself engaged with them. It could also provide ground rules for the UN’s interaction with de facto authorities while laying out considerations that are specific to each pillar of work of the UN. Such a policy would help bring some measure of consistency to what has become a challenging issue for the UN.

Source: International Peace Institute

Republic of Congo to host high-level UN meeting on security issues in Central Africa: president

BRAZZAVILLE— President of the Republic of the Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso announced hosting a high-level meeting of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa in Brazzaville from Jan 12 to 16.

He made the announcement during the ceremony of exchanging greetings with the diplomatic corps that his country will host.

“In connection with the quest for peace in our sub-region, I take this opportunity to announce the holding of this important meeting in our country,” said the Congolese head of state.

The Congolese president, who strongly condemned the abuses perpetually committed by rebel groups on the civilian population in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), reaffirmed his unconditional support for the peace initiatives undertaken to restore calm and tranquility in the DRC.

“This unwavering attachment to peace leads us to reiterate our commitments to the policy of good neighborliness, friendship and solidarity between peoples, mutually advantageous cooperation between States, the intangible principles of non-interference and non-aggression,” said the Congolese president.